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Project Overview
42% of patients indicated booking a doctor’s appointment via a website or app, with no need to call the office was a preferable scenario.
It Reduces No Shows
34% of appointments that are scheduled online are done after the office is closed.
With phone-call scheduling, the number of people who fail to show up for an appointment (the non-attendance rate) ranges from 10ï¼…-25%
Online Booking Keeps Waiting Rooms Full
20ï¼… were for next-day appointments
63% of new patients are scheduling the vast majority of online appointments
People Dislike Talking on the Phone
New Patients Will Seek It Out
Online Booking Reduces Strain on Staff
Online booking is What Patients Want
17ï¼… of patients scheduled a doctor’s appointment via a website/app within 2015.
Plus 42% of them said they would have scheduled an appointment online – but didn’t have the opportunity.
My Role
As the only one designer in the team, I took the responsibility of all the design related work, including wire-framing, visual design, lo-fi prototype and hi-fi prototype.
Design Process
Define Design Problem
An online doctor appointment scheduling system, which enables users to make online appointments with doctors, and also assists clinic to receive patients’ requests and to schedule appointments.
We looked deeply into a competitive product: Zoc Doc, which has similar functionalities as what's in our design idea. However, in Zoc Doc, user can only select one doctor and follow this doctor’s available schedule at one time. The real practice is that patient may be open to multiple dates if it's not extremely emergent situation. What’s more, user may have no idea or no specific preference of who to see when he/she makes his/her first appointment.
Based on this fact, we allowed user to make appointment with multiple doctors on multiple dates in our product. The request will be sent to all the clinics that user chose. The first confirmation of date and time that clinic made will be sent back to user. This design idea provides both users and clinics more flexibility when scheduling appointment.

Patient end
Clinic end
Lo-fi Prototype

Hi-fi Prototype
Patient end - Mobile app
Clinic end - Tablet app
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