icNutri is a mobile app that allows people with food sensitivities to get more personalized and visualized nutrition facts by scanning food packages and restaurant brands. User will get alert when the food scanned contains some ingredients that may cause troubles to his/her health based on user profile.

What makes it different?
What is icNutri?
Worried about family members’ health issues while cooking? Frustrated by ordering proper food for a big party? Afraid of health emergencies when a group of people hanging out?
With icNutri, user can avoid troubles by creating an event on his/her own mobile device. After the host inviting friends through the link automatically generated, invitees can choose their own food restrictions on the web page. icNutri will automatically update the event right away after each participant submitting his/her online form and then send notification to the host. When scanning/searching for food, the host can get results based on the group profile in case of buying inappropriate food for guests.
Why is it needed?

15 Million
people in US have food allergies

18% Increase
in food allergies seen between 1997 and 2007

25 Billion
dollars economic cost per year for kids food allergies
My role
As the UI/UX and visual designer in the team, I was responsible for wireframing, interface design, video shooting and editing and evaluation design. I also contributed in user research, storyboarding and logo design.
Product Video
Design Process
Lo-fi Prototype
Opportunity Understanding
Info Flow

interviewers participated in online survey.
of them preferred

Screen map
Hi-fi prototype screenshot
Using image recognition technology, icNutri can show nutrition facts by simply capturing the product with device's built-in camera. If user input his/her personal information, for example, his/her allergy to some ingredient, icNutri would remind him/her if this product is safe for him/her to eat or not.

When user signs up, the information he/she input will be saved in his/her account. Next time when he/she uses icNutri to capture a product, icNutri will show personalized nutrition facts. This function also apply to other people or a party group.

When user captures a restaurant's logo or search for a dish, icNutri will give reviews provided by other users or online recipes. Based on these information, user may make better decision when he/she orders dishes in resturant.

When user captures a restaurant's logo or search for a dish, icNutri will give reviews provided by other users or online recipes. Based on these information, user may make better decision when he/she orders dishes in resturant.

The host will receive food request for the party. When the host is shopping for the party, icNutri will tell him/her if this product is safe for the party participants.